Pavinski Traveler

Pavinski Traveller

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 04: The Fish Truck Found Us

Wow did it rain today! Fortunately you can always find a calm area to dive. We were not feeling too inspired this morning as it continued to rain with no blue sky in sight. A good day to be underwater. Gary and Andy got some great photos and video. We saw a turtle on both dives, loads of garden eels on the second dive, but no rays which would have been nice...maybe tomorrow (we signed up for the 8:30 and 10:30 again). Vicky learned a little trick today after coming up with a mask dent in her forehead from tightening it too tight because it was leaking, Andy shared the 'Ramlo spit and seal' trick he uses. So it's kinda gross, but if wiping spit around you face under your mask makes it seal better, so be it (no issue second dive).
This afternoon the sun continued to be elusive so we decided a trip to West End was in order. We jumped in a water taxi and arrived after a scenic 10 min boat ride. The West End has a few more amenities as we discovered wandering about the muddy street checking out several stores, enjoying a smoothie and cookie during the rain storm then the dive store...Ouch....Turned out to be a pretty expensive afternoon. After being cold on both morning dives, Vicky decided a warmer suit might be a good idea (not actually thinking there would be a place to buy one) but there was, so Gary will need to get creative with the packing to get us back to 50lbs per bag.
Before getting back on the taxi boat we decided to pick up some more fruit from the fruit truck and inquired about where we might find the fish truck.....We were told to look for a red truck down the way.

Taking the advice we continued back along the muddy street for another 5 min with no red truck in sight. After inquiring with some locals who told us that the road conditions would likely keep the fish truck away, we decided to turn around and head back to the taxi wharf leaving fish to find for another day. Then we all looked up...could that be the red truck coming our way? Sure enough, he heard from the fruit guys that there were 3 ladies and 2 men looking for him (Noha being x 2 (pregnant). He stopped right in front of us, some negotiating and we ended up with 7.5 lbs of fish and two nice lobster tails for $42. Mmmmmm dinner (for a few nights).

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 03: Lazy Day

Slept in this morning, couple cups of coffee, late breakfast and some sun by the pool.  Went back to the local store hoping to catch the veggie truck and fish truck and we came back with a pineapple and bananas. Rain again today - seems to be sunny until noon, cloud and rain for a couple hours then sunny again. We're diving tomorrow, decided to try the onsite dive shop.  They offer a valet service where our gear is stored in a locker and we basically don't need to deal with it unless we choose to do so.  It will be on the boat when we arrive, they remove when we're done, rinse and make ready for the next day - sounds good to us. Found we are staying on the best reef on the island and have free shore diving when we book a multi-dive package so you can look forward to many more pictures and busier days ahead!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 01-02: Flights / Lay of the Land

17.5 hrs travel time with flights and layovers(layovers were greater than actual flight time). Arrival put us in 30 minutes after A and N when we should have been in an hour before.
The hotel had arranged separate pickup for us, so we were surprised to see them as we hopped into the van. We then learnt that there is only one van for three flights and they wait to 'pack' us all on for one trip. Slight re-shuffle of some precariously stacked bags and we ready to depart. After a short 20 minute ride, We arrived to a rum punch reception and were quickly checked into our condo. A little relax by the pool, great dinner out and much needed sleep, rounded out Day 01.

Out for breakfast this morning as we didn't feel like grocery shopping yesterday afternoon. The restaurant is right on the beach so we lounged a little longer then we would have normally. After breakfast we ventured out to the local store to pick up a few things only to find it closed on Sunday. On the way back we got our exercise running through a very short but intense downpour. A quick change of clothes and we caught a cab to the main center to do our shopping for the next week. Enjoyed the sun and a short snorkel when we got back, dinner in, and a movie with popcorn before bed.

Saturday, January 7, 2012